Sunday, November 30, 2008

DAY 9 11/30

Slept well but again awoke clearing throat of phlegm. Arm dots are faded and almost gone. Lots of verbal stimming this morning, and forgot to mention yesterday was just a complete shred-fest of stimming. Could be bored, out of routine with school on Holiday, not sure. Emailed Dr about pimples and diaper rash, will post when I get his response.

Put the Christmas tree up - Ty went for the same ornmaments as last year, lol - the big round balls! The day was mellow, filled with vocal stimming (now driving me nuts!), but at least he is back to school tomorrow and I will get some teacher feedback of his current state!

1 small formed BM - but another evening of heavy urine output - we used to call this "pee-tox", will take a UTM tomorrow to send off and see what is happening.

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