Tuesday, February 17, 2009

DAY 88

Well Ty does have a cold ~ unbelievable, nasal congestion and cough AGAIN. Officially #4 in 3 mos. School is reporting the "sickest Winter" in history, and it seems Ty is not immune! I don't know how much the tea is contributing to this immune response, or if it is just statistically coinciding with the germfest going on! My oldest son has also had some sort of viral component all Winter too. I did get a response from his TCM Dr. on the cucurmin, and he said that yes, Ty's batches do have xiao yao san in them, but that he would elaborate more on it when I see him Thur. to pick up his new batch. I did find this new website,


which I have found interesting as I try and learn more about chinese medicinal herbs.

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