Wednesday, December 10, 2008

DAY 19

Ty was buried under his covers when I went to wake him. I peeled back the layers and said "hi" and much to my surprise, I got a "hi" back! Ate his breakfast quickly so he could be excused and go swing (loves his swing in his room, best purchase we ever made! See Ikea website, $15!). Independent 1st a.m. urine, yay!

School reported unprompted pottying all day! He boycotted our prompted BM trial after school, but went independently early evening!! Stool was beautiful :), no smell and perfectly formed. I cannot say enough about the gut healing I feel is taking place on the tea!

Some phlegm hacking back this evening, and he was a bit hyper after school, but happy.
I tested him on some sight words that his tutors hadn't pulled out in ages and retention was great. Bedtime has been much improved with the new tea batch. Right to sleep with no play.

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