Tuesday, December 23, 2008

DAY 32

A small BM accident last night before bed, our first in many days. A small wet stool. Could be two things - one, I have been letting Ty have a few dietary infractions (oat and barley ingredients in some "wheat free", not gluten free, food), or the new batch of tea, which sometimes we see a few changes while he adjusts to it. Interesting though, he is making the "accident" connection. I found his pj bottoms again by the toilet, lots of toilet paper attempts (lol) and 1 extra pair of soiled undies. So basically he tried twice to change his undies and clean up his bum ! Lots of A.M. vocal stimming, but mixed today with some nice babble jargon also.

Went to a bouncy house play place today and Ty had a ball. I put a pull up on him since I didn't know if he had pooped this morning, and he did end up having one while out. Well, the stool was back to our old mashed potato consistency and had a small amount of undigested food.. Bummer! So I will pull the dietary infractions and wait and see (and hope he is just adjusting to the new batch of tea!) - will keep you posted! I told Dr Kim how good his stools had been and to keep the antibiotic herbs in his current batch... I will have to email him and see if he reduced them or something???
Another BM early evening, and on the potty - he flushed before I could check it out, lol. We'll see what tomorrow brings.... Oh, and no shredding today, only a little vocal stimming in the afternoon, and one sensitive/emotional episode. Still noticing a nice calm about him.

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