Saturday, December 20, 2008

DAY 29

Awoke to Ty climbing in our bed and snuggling with us - nice. However phlegm hacking and vocal stimming are way up this morning. An adventurous day planned - have to go and pick up his new batch of tea, and then we will be going to a special viewing of the new Despereaux movie (we have a local theater here that closes one theater to the public for one showing and only special education children/siblings can attend! It is a great concept, you don't have to worry about them being loud, stimming, etc! And it is FREE!). We will then go home for some down time, before heading to the special education PTA Christmas party being held at the local Gymnastics place, which I understand will also be closed off to the public for the kids to roam and play! Will post later with updates on our doings!

Well, the movie was a success. This is the 2nd time we have taken him. Last one was Madagascar, and visually that movie was more enticing, but he hung through Despereaux and was mostly quiet and calm - personally I thought the movie was very boring (as did my NT 11 y.o.) and the story line was way too complex for Ty, but I was glad that he hung so well.. good to know he is learning the concept of attending a movie regardless! Had a ball at the gym party and was great when we went out to dinner afterward. What a nice day!

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