Friday, December 12, 2008

DAY 21

Ty was in a great mood this morning! Very happy off to school.
BM on potty after school, still incredibly amazed at the "no smell" poop! what a concept! Met with his teacher yesterday as I am in the process of having them evaluate Ty for a communcation device, and while there, the teacher and I were talking about handwriting. I have a tendancy to push the school on Ty's curriculum (I am convinced they sell him short due to his nonverbal status) and wanted letter writing to replace several mastered goals in his IEP. Well the teacher looked at me like I was crazy, as in waaay too advanced for Ty. When I shared with her that we were already working on it at home and that she should try it with him, I knew the "challenge" was established (lol, funny sometimes how you have to go the long way around for the school to be ignited!) Anyway, she said his horizontal lines were awful. I said, try "H" - draw the vertical lines and let him finish it. Today she sent home an excited note with a perfect horizontal line on his "H"! Thank you, Sir Ty, for making Momma proud!

Noticed after school a welt like rash on Ty's outer left thigh? Last night I noticed a red splotch on the side of his face/chin area, but thought maybe he bumped it playing - not so, it is still there today. Hubby was home with him during the evening, they had fun roughhousing!

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