Saturday, December 27, 2008

DAY 36

Ty welcomed the day shredding, lol - just when I think we are making progress in that area... it's baack! But without school, it is certainly more downtime than usual, so I am not too surprised - it seems mostly out of boredom as when I remove the shredding material, he is not seeking it more.
I was making a list today of our experience thus far to give to our TCM Dr. I will share it here to give a sense of what we are seeing - Ty's tea batches have been tweaked every 2 weeks.

Week 1-2
Loose stool, vomit smell
Heavy urination, reduction in stool volume
Shredding (normal, favorite stim)
Began vocal stimming (high pitched noises)
Better joint attention and engagement
Diaper rash and butt pimples

Week 2-4
Excellent bowel movements, formed and no undigested food
Independent toileting spontaneously (BM a first)
Decreased phlegm
Welt like splotches on thigh, butt pimples and face splotches
Vocal stimming
Slight decrease in joint attention

Week 5-6
Decrease in shredding (50%)
Decrease in vocal stimming (50%)
Requesting more, coming to me for needs
Better articulation with 10 words he knows
Increased babble and some notable true jargon
One new word “grandpa” (said once)
Decrease in butt pimples
Dry and peeling lips

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