Saturday, January 31, 2009

DAY 71

So Ty fell asleep on the couch watching TV last night at 730p. I wasn't surprised when I heard him up at 3a coughing. I gave him his medicine and luckily he went back to sleep until 530a. He is incredibly calm this morning... a sight to be seen just hanging on the sofa watching Noggin. In general, the last couple of days he seems more focused and engaged.. seeking intentful communication and help, and is busying himself purposefully with less wandering - I wouldn't call it playing yet, lol, but not stimming either.
We took him to a park for a short time, absolutely beautiful day (gotta love TX). And then we went to dinner at a new pizza joint for dinner. He did well there, but after we got home ran a fever again (they have been low grade and I have not treated them, just giving cough medicine). He fell asleep at 8pm watching TV, awoke at 3a (gave more medicine and he went back to sleep) and got up at 7a on Sunday.

Friday, January 30, 2009

DAY 70

Ty woke up at 2am and his cough took over... 4 long hours of playing in his bed (and me squished next to him trying to get him back to sleep!) - he finally fell back asleep as I heard my alarm go off in the other room at 6a. He woke back up at 8a and his cough was bad so I kept him home from school. He also had a low grade fever again.

He actually had a fairly good day at home though... kept himself busy, no shredding and I still have his straws put away from the other day and he isn't seeking to replace that stim. We also had 2 more BM's independent today - big yay! Vocal stimming continues to be loud and proud!
Going to be an early night with disrupted sleep last night and cough medicine!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

DAY 69

Ty woke up coughing at 1am but settled himself back to sleep (thank goodness!). His chest is rattling and it is a loose, productive upper respiratory congestion. His cheeks were rosey also this morning, but no low grade fever. I have to think it is the pattern of the tea that we have been seeing. He doesn't appear to be sick, happy and on the go this morning. We did get 2, yes 2, BM's in the potty yesterday (one was VERY foul smelling... he flushed before I could see it, but oh my, could still clear a room!)

Teacher reported more vocal stimming at school, but OT called me and evaluation with communication device is looking promising. He is responding better than signing - only catch being he is in a verbal behavior classroom and they may not be completely on board with an augmentitave device being used in there (OT and ST admit that they are glad I "pushed the issue"). Don't you just love the public school system for special needs?????????????

Mellow afternoon, and another independent BM this afternoon - woo hoo, this just thrills me, time and time again! Teacher reported lots of coughing at school, but while notable at home, doesn't sound so bad. Added in Magnesium this afternoon as another "calmer" for vocal stimming.. we'll have to wait and see how that plays out.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

DAY 68


I took away Ty's favorite stims (am I crazy, lol) and started working with him on identifying high frequency sight words. Whoa, he is terrible working for me.. pitched a huge fit. But to my surprise I got vocal approximations for "A", "I", and "ME" - "me" is new, we knew he could echoic A and I. He also said "no" several times when he was mad - gotta love motivation and language! New thing with the train today is he doesn't want the track set up.. (that was short lived) - so everytime he walks by it, he takes the track apart. I went ahead and put it away and brought out a car toy instead and he is approaching it - slow, slow progress with toy play.

On the biomed front... we are begining to add back some key Yasko supps as I had mentioned earlier in the week. I carefully went through Ty's genetics this morning and will be looking at areas that I feel the tea will not benefit (or areas that looked "stressed" since we took him off of everything). I am going to work up slowly to add back about 20 supplements. I am not going to concentrate on organ support or gut, as I feel the tea is doing a terrific job in these areas. Instead, I am focused on neurotransmitter aspects, and will eventually work toward methylation pathway supports. Hopefully we can find a nice balance and get some testing done to see where things are. In a perfect world I would have sent off a UAA and MAP when he started to tank, but in a perfect world, I could pay my VISA bill.. lol. This go around is going to have to be soley on me watching him, as it is "priceless" information~! Otherwise, he was his happy self today - wandering a lot and probably in need of some serious structure, which he did not want me to provide, lol!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

DAY 67

SCHOOL'S CLOSED - Bummer, predicting an ice storm..... gonna be a long day - verbal stimming is more like a shriek this morning, ouch! I may have to search out some of hubby's airport earplugs! Day was a farce, no ice and now they are saying should hit tonight - let us hope that there is only a delayed opening tomorrow and not another cancellation. It was a very stimmy and boring day. However, skid marks in underwear - so at some point there was an independent BM I missed (yay), approached train set more, and tonight I caught him in the bathroom looking at himself brushing his hair! Very cute and a first!

Monday, January 26, 2009

DAY 66

Ty awoke happy... hard time getting him to sit at the table and eat breakfast because he was playing with the train again!!!! This is incredible and I have to say there is an underlying pride that overcame me watching him appropriately play, rather than walking around with a handful of straws. There is no doubt in my mind that this is a direct result of the Tomatis boost we just did... these are the small hurdles of transitional gains we see when we do one.

Ty was in good spirits after school, though the teacher noted tons of high pitched verbal stimming - he did approach the train set several more times today and ate great. Seemed a tad hyper, but was in a funny way, not so stimmy - just having fun and interactive. AND he pooped in the potty!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

DAY 65

We attended a new church today and I put Ty in the 2 yr old daycare room (older age rooms were instructional based, not play based, so it seemed like the best option for disruption!). He did great for the hour they said, no problems. We went to breakfast afterwards and he hung all through the meal with NO dvd player - good progress as we always offer at restaurants!
He said "potty" today on echoic (new word), but crapped in his pants later in the afternoon, lol. Win some, lose some! He had several gluten infractions (one being the goldfish they served in the daycare room!) and the other a seek mission in our pantry for crackers that we missed~! No behavioral issues or excess stimming resulted, but he is not an instant reactor in general. Actually, he has been fairly calm this afternoon. I made potato/zucchini pancakes, new food, and while slightly offended by the texture at first, ended up eating them without fuss. We have actually introduced many new foods lately - homemade chicken patties, meatballs, hotdogs, new bread, and all have gone over magnificently. It is GREAT to see his diet expanded and not so rigid on processed GFCF foods! Should help the food bill a bit too, lol!
He also approached the train set from yesterday several times today again... fleeting, but hey! Will be an early night tonight - he seems tired.. up at 6am this morning and a full day. GABA may be contributing also.. we have sprinkle dosed 3 x today, about a 1/2 cap total.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

DAY 64

Slept well and had a happy, stimmy morning - some vocal high pitched noises (those had decreased quite a bit) and noticed more ear covering the past few days (we have seen this EVERY time we add or increase GABA, so not surprising.) What is surprising is that he is only tolerating small amount of GABA ... 64 days ago he was taking 3 capsules a day! Now I am seeing effects with a 1/4 capsule. Adding back key supps. is going to be a balancing act like no other with the tea.
Overall a really good day for Ty - boring, as it was cold and we hung out mostly in the house, but his requesting was up, echoics nice, and we got 2 independent BM's in the potty. One interesting note - he kept pulling us to the door to the garage. We would say "no bye bye", but he wouldn't give up. Finally I remembered my husband had brought home some stuff from my parent's attic and right outside the car door on Ty's side was an open plastic tub of a Thomas the Train set (it was my older son's and we always saved it for Ty but through the years he has had no interest what so ever in it. Hubby brought it back to our house for a neighborhood boy!) And so on a whim, I went out in the garage and got the bucket of tracks and trains... Ty's eye's lit up when I brought it in the house. He sat with me while I made the track arrangement and pushed the trains appropriately around it. Now, it didn't last long - kept his attention for 5 minutes, tops, but his toy play skills have NEVER progressed, nor has interest level, so this was pretty exciting initiation on his part!!!!

Friday, January 23, 2009

DAY 63

Ty slept well, but did have a BM accident again last night. Is there no end to potty training? 1/2 cap of GABA seemed to be too much (some heightened emotions), so I did just an 1/8th cap sprinkle this morning, along with the 1/4 BH4. We'll try another 1/8th of GABA after school. Shredding had been down considerably (replaced with a package of straws, lol), but resurfaced yesterday - the first paper "seek and destroy" we have actually seen this month.
No notes from school, not sure how things have been going there. Teacher not saying much this week. He pooped in his pants, standing in front of the toilet holding his dvd player this afternoon. Wandered in Wal-Mart this evening... I'm very distraught, seems unengaged and slightly regressive. However, my friend was at the school today and said when Ty was taken to his bus and his aide said good bye, Ty turned around and waved appropriately - who knew?!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

DAY 62

Ty got into some Nutter Butter cookies yesterday afternoon, lol - very happy guy! Didn't see any repurcussions until a night waking at 330am this morning. Not sure it was the food infraction though. While eating breakfast I realized his cheeks were flushed, again thought of the infraction as he was wired for sound and incredibly stimmy all morning, but on a whim took his temperature and it was 100. As any tired mommy would do, I quickly gave him motrin before his bus arrived, LOL, and sent him on his merry way (he was in a great mood, or so how I justified it!) I had told the teacher about the night waking in his comm. notebook, so if he tanks during the day, she'll think it was that - if the fever returns they will call regardless and I'll go get him. Then we'll have to decipher if the fever is an illness or was triggered by the new batch of tea. One boy in his class had strep last week (of course, Ty's strep titers were at one point as high as 15 times the reference range, so he always has strep as far as I'm concerned.......). Oh happy day, ugh.
No call from school during the day - 99 fever when he got home, slight flushed cheeks, no ill demeanor. Very stimmy still.. lots of flapping - ammonia in the house! He has the cbs mutation and his ammonia ran very high even with Yasko, take into consideration the high protein we have been feeding him and I can't ignore it. I gave him 1/2 cap GABA this afternoon and some Ammonia RNA, as well as 1/4 tab of BH4 - we'll stay at that for the week and see what happens. While I love the tea for certain aspects, I do believe certain "autism areas" aren't being addressed on it.. mainly dopamine/seratonin, we'll play around and see what happens. Keep yah posted!

DAY 61

Still in limbo about adding some supps back, not sure I would know where to begin or why, lol. He looks pretty much the same off them as on them -
Tea is going well and I think we are seeing some language benefits from Tomatis boost. Teacher informed of severeal spontaneous requests yesterday and the last 2 BM's have been independent in the potty..

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

DAY 60

Tomatis director noted much calmer and less stimming (1st day of new tea batch). Funny, first week of new batches seems to show goodness, then second week is slightly off - why?
Also, independent BM on potty this evening! TCM Dr. noted this new batch might see increased urination, oh boy yes! Lots and lots of trips to the potty, all independent at home. I did put a pull up on for night, just in case, though he normally never wears one. I am tired and don't feel like changing sheets at 3am, LOL! Eating not as bad this afternoon.. a big dinner and just a bit of snacking late evening.

Monday, January 19, 2009

DAY 59

Slightly calmer today... gave a hydroxy b12 shot this morning.. maybe contributing. Still pooping a lot and eating even more. 2 accidents, 1 bm potty success.
Having an extended family crisis at the moment, so posts will be brief and concentration on Ty even less as we navigate a difficult time - current path, maintain!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

DAY 58

Slept well, but the appetite thing is driving us crazy. We have tried more protein which I am a little uneasy about as he has high ammonia/cbs up regulation and I feel like it is just compounding the situation. On the other hand, he is in the kitchen non stop seeking food. We are literally feeding him 5-7 full meals a day with snacking in btwn. Meanwhile, what goes in, must come out and he is now pooping 2-3 times a day, larger stools but still formed (notable vomit smell remains). Today, we had 2 BM accidents and 2 independent successes. There is no rhyme or reason as to the sudden regression in potty training - still no urine accidents. I don't get it and am just hoping that it will turn around.
Seems like I have been frantic with the negatives lately, it is always difficult to watch a regression. We have had a few little incidents lately that have been nice. At Tomatis he wanted to take the headphones off toward the end of his session and he told the staff "ake off". We have never heard that before. The other day he was taking his tea, and I had poured a slightly larger cup than usual. He kept taking his sips and checking the cup to see if it was gone and finally looked at me and said "all done" and put the cup to my lips to finish it, lol. And today while taking the dogs for a walk, he went the whole mile with us.. playing with a stick dragging it in the grass, picking some flowers, held the dog's leash for a bit - and when I went to show him the airplane in the sky, he was quick to mimick my point. Funny, he can say "ah-pane" but when I got down to his level and had him follow the point and prompt say airplane, he got a funny grin on his face and lowered his head... it was like he was thinking, I can't but I want to.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

DAY 57

Ty had a Tomatis session this morning - Director noted he was very stimmy. I went by TCM drs. office on my way home and had a chance to discuss Ty's current batch and the photos I had sent. I had sent him one of Ty's tongue and he said the red dots lining the outer section (like a "strawberry") was heat.. the red circles under his eyes, liver. The rashes were probably what we surmised as detox, as they have been consistent for years with biomed. interventions with Ty. He said he is concentrating on the liver mostly with his tea, of course several other aspects are being treated also - mainly the gut.

Friday, January 16, 2009

DAY 56

Well, I just don't know what to think of it all. 4 BM accidents in 2 days - all nicely formed so "sense of urge" shouldn't have been a problem. We'll just have to hope that this current Tomatis boost turns things around in the pottying area. It has always proven to be a catalyst to success in the past. A girl can dream, can't she?!

One BM independent on potty before bed, Thank God! VERY stimmy and wandering this afternoon. I made him a new food to try, GFCF meatballs - he loved them and gobbled 8 up!
YAY - I love another food addition that involves real ingredients, lol, and isn't a beloved snack item! Appetite is still way up!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

DAY 55

My emotional catharsis last night made the start of the day difficult. Maybe Ty was tuned in also, he was tired and fussy off to school. His cold has moved to chest congestion not nasal discharge this morning, butt rash last night in bath. He has a 1/2 day at school today and we are off to day one (of five) of a Tomatis boost. I am holding out hope "this $500" will be money well spent - heck, who am I kidding, I am hoping it will be priceless!

Tomatis session went well, though Ty continues to seem tired. His TCM Dr. answered my email with photos of various rashes, tongue photo, etc. and said he will plan his next batch of tea accordingly for pick up on Sat. He was cute and sent me a link on autism and gluten free diet, he said it is important to be gluten free. I had to laugh to myself, Ty has been GFCF since he was 18 mos. old! Another BM accident this afternoon.. just bums me out... hopefully Tomatis will get things back in check!

Keeping the Faith

I would like to share something that happened last night -
At 2am I awoke to rustling on the baby monitor in Ty's room. I rolled over with a huge sigh, thinking oh please, not another night waking.... then I heard the most beautiful babble resonating from that little speaker on my bedside table.. ma ma ma, da da da, ba ba ba, na na na, uh oh, oh no, uh oh... and the reality of it came crashing down on me like a ton of bricks, it wasn't Ty's voice. The monitor had picked up the signal of my next door neighbor's neurotypical baby, gleefully developing his voice in the middle of the night. I cried like a baby myself. I cried for the strength this journey takes. I cried for the memories when I too could lie in bed and listen to Ty babble that sweetly the first year of his life. I cried for all of our kids, stolen from us with no ransom in sight. I cried, and I listened ~ 20 minutes of pure baby bliss.
I awoke this morning feeling deflated. Pulling my boot straps back up for another Groundhog Day of Autism. No, it isn't fair what we do day in and day out. But we are all thankful for some aspect of the journey.. maybe yours is the pride of a small gain, a new friend that you have met sitting in a therapy lounge, a potty success, or new word. Each piece renews faith and musters up yet more Hercules Hope to continue the battle ~
Don't give up. I won't.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

DAY 54

UGH, ANOTHER NIGHT WAKING.... 2:30am this morning! He has a full head cold, very congested in the middle of night (maybe attributed to the wake up????). Allergy counts where we live are horrible right now, could be contributing to nasal congestion too. I do remember regular night wakings when adding in methylation on Yasko protocol... sure wish I knew if this was "detox" or possible "crash" from no supplements!
Rocky afternoon, BM accident, over tired child, and for the past week he is eating non stop. I took some photos for his TCM Dr. Will try and post on the blog for reference.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

DAY 53

Something is up - another BM accident last night before bed and it was stinky like vomit again. Ty is stimmier than usual the past few days, and this morning he woke up congested again (after just getting over his cold/flu a week ago). The last batch of tea had immune supports added to it. I think it is stimulating a viral detox episode (butt pimples the other day - and actually last night with accident also, clear nasal discharge, less requesting, less engagement). Viral has always been tougher on Ty than the metals detox, where regression is noted (Metals 1 and 4 was horrific two summers ago, and it took Ty a full 4 months to bounce back from it!). I hope things settle down by Thur. when he returns for his Tomatis boost.
After school today, a slight turn - independent BM, good requesting, and some nice echoics.. Ty's autism seems to be like Texas weather, if you don't like it today, wait a day, it will be different tomorrow, LOL!

Monday, January 12, 2009

DAY 52

Ty was especially giddy this morning, very happy. I went and picked up his 12/14 UTM and UEE today. Again, very few metals. That is 2 UTM's since begining the herbs that have had no mercury. Ty's pre-tea UTM was in early Nov.'08 and had Hg in yellow (elevated), so I am beginning to surmise that the tea, while benefiting many aspects of his biochemistry, is not supporting detox like Yasko's protocol concentrating on the methylation was. However, I am not inclined to add back any supplements at this time for several reasons. One is that Ty's TCM Dr. said the liver support he is working on with the tea is a slow balancing process to get it working efficiently. Second, Ty has excreted so much mercury and other metals the past 2.5 yrs. and very little on IV's this summer, that I feel we were nearing the end of huge pulls anyway. And third, the little guy just looks too good to mess with the current status. If the past two years of excretion is any indication as to why we are seeing such great stuff now, then I am willing to ride it out and see what progresses. Because we saw so few cognitive gains during high excretion, I believe that his body needed a break, possibly to let remylination kick in. I have always wondered if moving metals for 4 straight years hindered this aspect, and my suspicions are leaning toward that conclusion as we see him off of all supps.

On the UEE (urine essential elements) front, it looked the best we have seen in years. Lithium was finally down from triple the reference range in the past year, and the majority of his other essentials were in normal range. His copper has come down, but so has zinc though still holding a higher zinc to copper ratio (explained to TCM dr. about zinc/copper ratios in asd kids to try and address with his new batch of tea). His calcium came down (which per Yasko should be on the low end anyway, and we never even supplemented on her protocol and couldn't get it lower than 100 - this current UEE it was 67). Sulpher decreased one hundred points, and his sodium dropped from 2160 to 1834. Manganese, Molybdenum, Chromium, and Vanadium all pretty much stayed the same (interesting, because we supplemented all of those on Yasko). Cobalt came down, no surprise while not on B12 shots anymore - from .029 to .007

On the UTM front, we did get some Aluminum which we hadn't seen much of the last 3 mos. on Yasko. Could be the resolve of some bacteria issues on the tea releasing it. Arsenic was a 63, mid green, Cadmium a blip at .3, Nickel 4.3, and Thallium, Tin and Tungsten all blips. If we continue to see a decline on random UTM's throughout tea, I will probably schedule an IV to challenge and see what we pull in a month or two. The next unprovoked collection on the tea I have decided will be a 24 hr. collection - the above was a spot urine, first AM only.

I still need to get a Microbiology kit for a stool anaylsis for good and bad bugs! This will be my one true test of the tea on gut healing, and I know many of you following have been waiting on that one, lol. I forgot to have DAN order me the kit over the holidays, and in the interim decided to give the tea just a bit longer to work on healing before testing. I also will be doing a UAA and MAP (when we get tax refund $, lol) to compare pre and post yasko numbers. Ty has high Ammonia issues which we resolved on yasko dealing with his CBS mutation so I am very interested to see w/o those supports if it has remained low, as well as his last MAP (Jun.'08) showed all vitamins within "need range" for the first time ever. If those suckers held steady on the tea, I am a true believer in TCM, lol! DAN dr. advised to wait on the UAA and MAP until we hit at least the 3 mos. mark off all supps. though to give the body a chance to truly reflect what is going on with the tea.
Ty had a BM accident after school, arrgh! Hate that when so many days are filled with success. He has eaten 2 new foods the past few days which is exciting!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

DAY 51

Ty had another early waking this morning, 430am. Now several things ran through my head while I lay in bed listening to him play in his room for 2 hrs. lol. First, the tea is not working (our 2nd early wake this week) and we are beginning to see a pattern of decline in his sleep (he has slept long and hard for years without "sleep" supplements, but always had wakings during episodes of detox), and secondly, it is a detox issue. The latter put my mind at ease when he climbed into my bed at 630a. and was grinding his teeth like crazy.. something that had disappated about week 3 of the tea. I have never been able to correlate teeth grinding to a particular biochemical response for Ty, but believe that it is either metal excretion or bacterial issues - both of which he has had for 4 plus years, so unable to narrow down in his case. Anyway, my thoughts about the detox were confirmed around 10a when Ty came into the kitchen naked and stinkin' of poop! He had had a BM accident in his pj's (first accident since his illness last week) and tried to clean it up - what I found was a very messy toilet seat, very yuck stench with the remaining stool in the bowl (stools have had no foul smell lately), and a 3 x 3 inch section of pimpled butt and red flash burn on his inner thigh. He hasn't had the pimple rash in about a week, I believe, so either detox or die off would be my confirmation of the rooster call this morning!! The tea seems to be doing its job!
The day continued with one more poop in the pot, and one small one in his pj's before bed - I am too tired to reflect on it now, lol - early to bed, it has been a long day!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

DAY 50

Ty is holding his own - my older daughter and I sat down and tried to play Candyland with him, lol. While he had no concept of what was taking place, he DID sit w/o fussing, that is progress! I have been pulling out academics throughout the day and he is also running quick 10 minute trials with me every 30 minutes, again, progress. Normally, the minute I present the material, I get a screech. This is just going to be a very long and arduous process to stimulate engagement on that level - interupt a stim, get something done, let him stim, and so on. Maybe we can build on it slowly. He had in home tutors last year for 2 hrs a day, 7 days a week - but there is no more $ for that and such is life (hence my guilt of finding another way!).

We are doing another Tomatis boost next week (5 days, Thur. - Tue.) I am very excited about this, as he is in a nice calm place and even showing "preverbal" skills. We have had such good success with this therapy in the past, always seeing something after every session whether it be potty success, receptive, more self regulation, etc. I pray that language will be a strong hit this next session.

Last night before bed he said "lu" instead of "uh" for love and we got a few more defiant "no's" today. Overall, I am pretty darn excited with his verbal attempts lately. Vocal stimming is finally on the decline, shredding is still at 50% reduction since we began the tea, and requesting continues to show motivation!

Friday, January 9, 2009

DAY 49

Last night while tucking Ty into bed was amazing! I had finished his story and was just lying there with him. We were head to head on his pillow, direct eye contact. I said I love you, and he said "I uh oo", so I said "mama" and he repeated a beautiful one back, then I said "night night" and he said "na-na"... now none of these are necessarily new words (though clarity was much improved), but the engagement was really great, so I kept it going. He was doing his "tense stim" in btwn our verbal interactions and so I joined him and tense stimmed him back. Ty thought this was hilarious and laughed and laughed... we took turns back and forth. Finally, I said "it is time for bed, go to sleep - shhh" and turned off his light... then I hear "SHH!" back - Really great!
Good day at school... wandered some at home, and when he wanted more straws to stim on, I flat out said NO, to which he yelled "no" back at me!!! That was impressive!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

DAY 48

So the early wake up turned out okay... he had a good day at school (though I heard he catnapped on the bus ride in!). His teacher tested out his receptive ID material in anticipation of his communication device assessment which will be performed by a district team shortly, and Ty's data reflected much improved from 6 wks ago! The tea? Maybe!
He used several spontaneous requests after school for food items, and my parent's watched him while I had to go out for an hour and they said he was more engaged than usual with them. He toileted independently while they were here, even his BM. A good day! And hopefully a good night sleep!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

DAY 47

Happy this morning, slept well. Great day at school per teacher. No shredding or trash can obsession and did some appropriate coloring with colored pencils. Independent BM after school, yay. Tried the oat infraction again today with a cereal bar in his school lunch. Based on the good reports for today, seems like he tolerated fine. I missed his poop in the toilet to scrutinize toleration there, lol! Excellent spontaneous "cookie" echoic several times this afternoon.
Early wake up at 330a this morning (Thur. AM) - we'll see how the day goes with that!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

DAY 46

Began new batch of tea this morning. Ty slept well, regular hours, and appears to be over his illness completely. School reported he was non compliant with independent work - I have seen his independent work, he is bored! Always somethin'!

Vocal stimming this afternoon, but successful BM in the potty on own. Reading up more on acupuncture - would love to try this with Ty, just can't figure out how in the heck he would tolerate it!

Monday, January 5, 2009

DAY 45

God bless, back to school!! Ty fell asleep at 730p last night, so transition this morning went well as he was nicely rested. Still amazed at the sleep he is logging in lately, but health wise, he seemed the best yet today.

Teacher reported lots of shredding at school and then he decided to throw everything he could get his hands on into the trash, lol - sounds like a fun day, glad it was on her time! Mellow afternoon at home, some good requesting, but BM accident, arrghh..

Sunday, January 4, 2009

DAY 44

I woke Ty up at 8a from a deep sleep this morning - tonight is a school night and I don't want him up late! Very cuddley and cute, and NO nasal discharge. A little cough though. More vocal stimming.... ugh, ugh and more ugh. Fussy grocery store trip, very clingy and he is a bit oversensitive today. Eating much better though. Looking forward to school tomorrow (lol). .
Another loose BM accident which really bummed me out, but then early evening we had a successful independent one on the potty! Gave charcoal this afternoon to hopefully mop up the last of this viral stool excretion.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

DAY 43

Intense long sleeps this week.. fell asleep last night at 9p and awoke at 930a !!!! I haven't slept in until 930a for 10 years, LOL! Needless to say, I feel rested, but the vocal stimming this morning is out of control!

Picked up new tea, has more immune supports in it, but we won't begin new batch for a couple of days. Ty is out of sorts for sure with this illness. Nasal congestion is thicker, chest congestion is loose, and a little fussy today. Appetite is picking up. Loose BM accident again today. Got several really nice spontaneous requests this afternoon. This tea intervention as a whole is the weirdest we have seen yet. I REALLY see a new level of awareness and calm. Skills haven't blown us away, but if ever there was a concrete precursor to progress, we are experiencing it. He is the most "on" without true cognitive regression than we have ever seen.. just tidbits of good stuff slipping out here and there. If this continues, by golly we'll have some damn good progress!

Friday, January 2, 2009

DAY 42

Ty woke up from 12a-2a after being asleep since 4p yesterday, and then went back to sleep until 8a! Remains fever free, but had a BM this afternoon (in his pants) that had a small formed stool with a lot of intense green sludge die off surrounding it. His urine throughout his illness this week has been cloudy and darker yellow. Yasko would interpret this as viral excretion and that has proven true for Ty during the 2.5 yrs. we followed her protocol. Ironically I had noted that since beginning the tea, his urine had gone very light (which again is indicative of low creatinine on her protocol and usually correlates metal excretion). While we don't have enough UTM's under our belt to confirm this yet, when we did Metals RNA's to provoke viral, we saw the same dark and cloudy urine.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


I let Ty sleep in my bed last night (hubby was out of town) and when we woke up I leaned over and told him "Happy New Year, 2009 is the year you are going to talk!" and he smiled brightly and babbled "duh", LOL!

Still fever free, but appetite is beyond pathetic (unless you count sneaking Skittles as a major food group!). And today he had diarreah (on the toilet, yay!). Only one episode thus far, so could be the candy (he rarely gets it) or just the fever/viral working its way out of the body. No update from his TCM Dr. about the new batch for next week, but he said he would be in his office tomorrow and Saturday, so we'll find out then.
Ty fell asleep around 4pm and is pasty white and clammy.... obviously still sick, but just weird. He slept almost 12 hrs last night, shouldn't have been so tired.... nervous for what the night holds this evening...???