Tuesday, January 13, 2009

DAY 53

Something is up - another BM accident last night before bed and it was stinky like vomit again. Ty is stimmier than usual the past few days, and this morning he woke up congested again (after just getting over his cold/flu a week ago). The last batch of tea had immune supports added to it. I think it is stimulating a viral detox episode (butt pimples the other day - and actually last night with accident also, clear nasal discharge, less requesting, less engagement). Viral has always been tougher on Ty than the metals detox, where regression is noted (Metals 1 and 4 was horrific two summers ago, and it took Ty a full 4 months to bounce back from it!). I hope things settle down by Thur. when he returns for his Tomatis boost.
After school today, a slight turn - independent BM, good requesting, and some nice echoics.. Ty's autism seems to be like Texas weather, if you don't like it today, wait a day, it will be different tomorrow, LOL!

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